Building a set from scratch?

Building a Studio from Scratch: Lessons Learned

A Few Things I've Learned

1. Have a Plan

Going into anything without a great plan may set you in a state of confusion! We don't like using words as such, so let's say no plan = no success! Some sights we use for planning are Pinterest, Milanote, Magazines, YouTube, and your environment. Each of these tools can help you create visuals and/or learn about the set you want to build.

2. Knowing How to Pivot

Thinking on your toes is a necessity, and believe it or not, it goes really well with having a plan. When things don't go according to your plan, it doesn't mean it's not going to plan. Being able to stop, reassess, and see what you already have really helps with continuing your project.

3. Click here to watch the  video to find out what number 3 is.

Number 3 is something you don't want to miss. It is simple yet very significant!




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